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职称/职务: 副教授硕士生导师




个人经历。。。。               。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。






202412 - 至今:新疆大学,生命科学与技术学院副教授。

202308 - 202412月:新疆大学,生命科学与技术学院专任教师

202111- 202307月:德国慕尼黑工业大学博士后

研究内容。。。。               。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。。

1. 群体基因组学:以新疆特色动植物资源为背景,基于大规模基因组重测序数据,利用演化基因组学技术探究物种群体的演化历史,并利用多组学共定位技术挖掘优异基因和改良位点。

2. 生物信息学:基于数学、统计学和计算生物学方法开发群体遗传学理论模型和生物大数据分析方法。

3. 智慧育种:基于人工智能,尤其是深度学习理论进行全基因组选择育种研究,开发智慧育种数据挖掘方法和数据库平台构建。





1. 国家海外高层次人才引进计划项目,2025. 01 - 2027. 12,在研,主持

2. 新疆维吾尔自治区天池英才引进计划-青年博士项目2025. 01-2027. 12,在研,主持。

3. 新疆维吾尔自治区自然科学基金-青年科学基金,2024 - 2027,在研,主持。

4. 国家自然科学基金-地区基金项目,2025 - 2028,在研,参与


1. 20201月参加英国“遗传学会(The Genetics Society)”第54届群体遗传学大会PopGroup54;报告题目:Whole-genome resequencing reveals the genetic bases for local adaptation in the wild tomato species Solanum chilense.  

2. 20217参加美国“分子生物学与进化学会(The Society for Molecular Biology and Evolution; SMBE)”年会SMBE2021;报告题目:Evolution of gene-network involved in drought tolerance of wild tomato Solanum chilense.

3. 202211参加美国“分子生物学与进化学会”全球研讨会SMBE Everywhere Global Symposium (GS6: Genetics of Adaptation);报告题目:Dynamic Changes of Gene Copy Number Facilitate Adaptation to Novel Habitats in the Wild Tomato Solanum chilense.

4. 202311月参加美国“进化研究学会(Society for The Study of Evolution; SSE)”第三届东亚与东南亚中文学者国际研讨会Third International Symposium for Mandarin Speakers in East and Southeast Asia;报告题目:The genetic basis of adaptive evolution in wild tomato Solanum chilense.


1. Wei, K.*, Stam, R., Tellier, A.*, Silva-Arias, GA*. (2025) Copy number variations shape genomic structural diversity underpinning ecological adaptation in the wild tomato Solanum chilense. Molecular Biology and Evolution (Accepted), online: https://doi.org/10.1101/2023.07.21.549819

2. Jia, Y., Wei, K., Qin, J., Zhai, W., Li, Q., Li, Y*. (2025). The Roles of MicroRNAs in the Regulation of Rice–Pathogen Interactions. Plants, 14(1), 136. https://doi.org/10.3390/plants14010136

3. Wei, K., Sharifova, S., Zhao, X., Sinha, N., Nakayama, H., Tellier, A.*, & Silva-Arias, G. A*. (2024). Evolution of gene networks underlying adaptation to drought stress in the wild tomato Solanum chilense. Molecular Ecology, 33, e17536. https://doi.org/10.1111/mec.17536

4. Cheng, Y., Cheng, X., Wei, K.*, Wang, Y*. (2024). Comparative Transcriptome Analysis of Salt-Tolerant and -Sensitive Soybean Cultivars under Salt Stress. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 25, 9818. https://doi.org/10.3390/ijms25189818

5. Wei, K., Silva-Arias, G.A*. and Tellier, A. (2023), Selective sweeps linked to the colonization of novel habitats and climatic changes in a wild tomato species. New Phytologist, 237: 1908-1921. https://doi.org/10.1111/nph.18634

6. Wei K., Ma L.*, Zhang T*. (2019). Characterization of gene promoters in pig: conservative elements, regulatory motifs and evolutionary trend. PeerJ 7:e7204. https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.7204

7. Wei K., Zhang T., Ma L*. 2018. Divergent and convergent evolution of housekeeping genes in human–pig lineage. PeerJ 6:e4840. https://doi.org/10.7717/peerj.4840

8. Wei, K., & Ma, L*. 2017. Concept development of housekeeping genes in the high-throughput sequencing era. Yi Chuan= Hereditas, 39(2), 127-134. https://doi.org/10.16288/j.yczz.16-379

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