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1. 新疆维吾尔自治区重点研发专项,840万元,2023/12-2026/12,在研,项目首席。

2. 2024年科普中国高校行项目(第二批),30万元,2024/8-2025/4,在研,项目主持。

3. 2022年度自治区天池英才引进计划-青年博士项目,110万元,2023/01-2026/1,在研,项目主持。

4. 新疆维吾尔自治区青年科学基金,7万元,2022/12-2025/12,在研,项目主持。

5. 新疆维吾尔自治区高校基本科研业务费科研项目-培育类项目,6万元,2023/6-2026/6,在研,项目主持。

6. 新疆维吾尔自治区重点实验室开放课题,10万元,2023/8-2025/12,在研,项目主持。

7. 横向课题2项,80万元,在研,项目主持。


1. 2024年获自治区第一届博士后创新创业大赛优胜奖(负责人)

2. 2024年指导本科生参与生命科学竞赛获全国等奖和自治区二等奖

3. 2023年指导本科生生命科学竞赛全国二等奖和自治区一等奖

4. 2023年指导本科生获批国家级大学生创新训练计划项目

5. 2024年指导本科生获批国家级大学生创新训练计划项目

6. 2022年获得厦门大学优秀毕业生荣誉称号

7. 2022年获得厦门大学本栋奖学金

8. 2020年、2021年、2022年获得厦门大学校级“优秀三好学生”荣誉称号

9. 2021年获得厦门大学材料学院优秀共产党员荣誉称号

10. 2019年获得厦门大学中国航天科技集团公司CASC公益奖学金

11. 2016年获得硕士研究生国家奖学金

12. 2015年获得新疆维吾尔自治区学位委员会优秀论文奖


1. 厦门大学新疆校友会第三届理事会常务理事、副会长

2. Exploration》和《国际生物医学工程杂志》编委

3. 教育部学位论文评审专家

4. 中国中医药信息学会常务理事

5. 中国心血管药理学专业委员会第三届青年委员会委员

6. 中国药理学会神经精神药理学专业委员会第二届青年委员会委员

7. 中国卒中学会第三届委员会委员

8. 中国实验动物学会屏障医学专业委员会学术委员会委员

9. 新疆佳音医院学术委员会委员

10. 审稿专业期刊35


已发表SCI论文52篇,其中以第一作者、通讯作者、共同第一作者先后发表SCI论文38篇(含JCR 1区论文30篇,2篇影响因子15以上的论文,9篇影响因子10以上的论文,1篇封面论文,1Hot Papers论文,H-index 20),授权专利3项。已发表主要学术论文如下:

1. Xia, G.‡; Fan, Z.*; Wang, Q.; Li, J.; Zhang, Y.; Adila, A.; Su, Q.; Li, Ying.; Hou, Z.*; Li, J.* Cascade-recharged macrophage-biomimetic ruthenium-based nanobattery for enhanced photodynamic-induced immunotherapy. J. Nanobiotechnol., 2025, DOI: 10.1186/s12951-025-03255-8JCR 1. 影响因子:10.6

2. Zhang, J.; Jing, Q.; Yuan, L.; Zhou, X.; Di, D.; Li, J., Pei, D.; Fan, Z.*; Hai, J.* NIR-triggered programmable nanomotor with H2S and NO generation for cascading oncotherapy by three-pronged reinforcing ICD. Mater. Today Bio., 2025, 31: 101540-101540.JCR 1 . IF8.7

3. Jing, Q.; Zhang, J.; Yuan, L.; Zhang, H.; Lin, W.; Pei, D.; Di, D.; Yang, L.; Fan, Z.*; Hai, J.* Copper-based hollow mesoporous nanogenerator with reactive oxygen species and reactive nitrogen species storm generation for self-augmented immunogenic cell death-mediated triple-negative breast cancer immunotherapy. J. Colloid Interface Sci., 2025, 688, 688-702JCR 1. 影响因子:9.4

4. Fan, Z.‡; Jin, H.‡; Tan, X.‡; Li, Y.‡; Shi, D.; Wang, Q.; Meng, J.; Li, W.; Chen, C.; Peng, L.; Hou, Z.; Li, J.*; Jin, X.*; Yang, L.* ROS-responsive hierarchical targeting vehicle-free nanodrugs for three-pronged Parkinson's disease therapy. Chem. Eng. J, 2023, 466: 143245.JCR 1. 影响因子:16.744

5. Fan, Z.‡; Ren, T.‡; Wang, Y.‡; Jin. H.; Shi. D.; Tan. X.; Ge. D.; Hou. Z., Jin. X.; Yang. L. Aβ-responsive metformin-based supramolecular synergistic nanodrugs for Alzheimer's disease via enhancing microglial Aβ clearance. Biomaterials., 2022, 283: 121452.JCR 1. 影响因子:15.304

6. Liu. H.; Zhuo. R.; Zou. C.; Xu. S.; Cai. X.; Ge. Y.; Liu. G.; Wu. C.; Dai. C.; Li. J.; Xu. S.; Fan, Z.*; Yang, L.; Li, Y.* RVG-peptide-camouflaged iron-coordinated engineered polydopamine nanoenzyme with ROS scavenging and inhibiting inflammatory response for ischemic stroke therapy. Int. J. Biol. Macromol., 2024, 282: 136778. JCR 1. 影响因子:7.7

7. Zhang, X.; Zhang, K.; Liu, K.; Yu, S.; Fu, X.; Yuan, Q.; Zhu, C.; Lin, D.*; Fan, Z.* A novel supramolecular nanodrugs for improving the cognitive function of schizophrenia by protecting active lactone of arecoline. Biomed. Pharmacother., 2025, 183: 117845-117845.JCR 1 . IF7.5

8. Fan, Z.; Jiang, B.; Zhu, Q.; Xiang, S.; Tu, L.; Yang, Y.; Zhao, Q.; Huang, D.; Han, J.; Su, G.; Ge, D.; Hou, Z. Tumor-specific endogenous FeII-activated, MRI-guided self-targeting gadolinium-coordinated theranostic nanoplatforms for amplification of ROS and enhanced chemodynamic chemotherapy. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces., 2020, 12 (13): 14884-14904.JCR 1. 影响因子:10.383

9. Shi, D.; Wu, F.; Huang, L.; Li, Y.; Ke S.*; Li, J.*; Hou, Z.*; Fan, Z.* Bioengineered nanogenerator with sustainable reactive oxygen species storm for self-reinforcing sono-chemodynamic oncotherapy. J. Colloid Interface Sci. 2023, 603: 70-84.JCR 1. 影响因子9.965

10. Fan, Z.; Shi, D.; Zuo, W.; Feng. J.; Ge. D.; Su. G.;* Yang. L.;* Hou. Z.* Trojan-horse diameter-reducible nanotheranostics for macroscopic/microscopic imaging-monitored chemo-antiangiogentic therapy. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces., 2022, 14 (4): 5033-5052.JCR 1. 影响因子:10.383

11. Wang, Q.; Meng, J.; Huang, L.; Wu, F.; Yi, X.; Su, G.; Li, Y.*; Hou, Z.*; Fan, Z.* Platinum-coordinated engineered nanoreactors with O2 self-amplificationand on-demand cascade chemo-drug synthesis for self-reinforcing hypoxic oncotherapy. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces., 2023, 15 (14): 17495-17506.JCR 1. 影响因子:10.383

12. Fan, Z.; Wang, Y.; Xiang, S.; Zuo, W.; Huang, D.; Jiang, B.; Sun, H.; Yin, W.;* Xie, L.;* Hou, Z.* Dual-self-recognizing, stimulus-responsive and carrier-free methotrexate–mannose conjugate nanoparticles with highly synergistic chemotherapeutic effects. J. Mater. Chem. B., 2020, 8 (9): 1922-1934.JCR 1. 影响因子:7.571

13. Huang, L.; Wu, F.; Wang, Q.; Meng, J.; Feng, J.; Su, G.*; Yi, X.; Li, Y.*; Li, J.-Y.*; Hou, Z.*; Fan, Z.* TME-triggered copper-coordinated engineered programmable nanogenerators for on-demand cascade-amplifying oxidative stress. J. Mater. Chem. B., 2023, 11 (16): 3679-3692JCR 1. 影响因子:7.571

14. Yang, Q., Ye, W.; Luo, D.; Xing, J.; Xiao, Q.; Wu, H.; Yao, Y.; Wang, G.; Yang, L.; Guo, D.; Wang, K.; He, Y.; Ye, X.; Zhang, J.; Jing, Z.; Fan, Z.*; Wen, X.; Mao, J.; Chen, X.; Zhao, Q.* Neuroprotective effects of anti-TRAIL-ICG nanoagent and its multimodal imaging evaluation in cerebral ischemia-reperfusion injury. Mater. Today Bio., 2024, 26: 101094JCR 1. 影响因子:8.2

15. Zhuo, R.; Song, Z.; Wang, Y.; Zhu, M.;  Liu, F.;  Lin, P.;  Rao, R.;  Zhou, Y.;  Zhao, Y.;  Fan, Z.*;  Cui, L.;  Liu, H.;  Li, J.;  Li, Y.;  Guo, H.;  Cai, C. F.; Yang, L.*, Oleoylethanolamide ameliorates motor dysfunction through PPARα-mediates oligodendrocyte differentiation and white matter integrity after ischemic stroke. Phytotherapy Research, 2023, 37: 5341-5353.JCR 1. 影响因子:7.5

16. Song, M.; Aipire, A.; Dilxat, E.; Li, J.; Xia, G.; Jiang, Z.; Fan, Z.*; Li, J.*, Research progress of polysaccharide-gold nanocomplexes in drug delivery. Pharmaceutics, 2024, 16: 88.JCR 1. 影响因子:5.400

17. Yu, S.; Xia, G.; Yang, N.; Yuan, L.; Li, J.; Wang, Q.; Li, D.; Ding, L.; Fan, Z.*; Li, J.* Noble metal nanoparticle-based photothermal therapy: development and application in effective cancer therapy. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2024, 25(11): 5632.( JCR 1.影响因子:5.6

18. Yang, N.; Li, J.; Yu, S.; Xia, G.; Li, D.; Yuan, L.; Wang, Q.; Ding, L.; Fan, Z.*; Li, J.* , Application of nanomaterial-based sonodynamic therapy in tumor therapy. Pharmaceutics, 2024, 16: 603.JCR 1. 影响因子:5.4

19. Wang, Q.; Xia, G.; Li, J.; Yuan, L.; Yu, S.; Li, D.; Yang, N.; Fan, Z.*; Li, J. Multifunctional nanoplatform for NIR-II imaging-guided synergistic oncotherapy. Int. J. Mol. Sci. 2023, 24: 16949.JCR 1 区;影响因子:5.6

20. Chen, K.; Lin, Z; Zhang, G.; Zheng, J.; Fan, Z.*; Xiao, L.; Xu, Q.; Xu, J.* Efficient host materials for lithium-sulfur batteries: ultrafine CoP nanoparticles in black phosphorus-carbon composite. ChemSusChem, 2024, 17 (14): e202400339.JCR 1. 影响因子:8.4

21. Li, Y.; Wu, C.; Yang, R.; Tang, J.; Li, Z.; Yi, X.; Fan, Z. Application and development of cell membrane functionalized biomimetic nanoparticles in the treatment of acute ischemic stroke. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 2024, 25: 8539.JCR 1 区;影响因子:5.6

22. Fan, Z.*; Xia, G.; Wang, Q.; Chen, S.; Li, J.; Hou, Z.; Jiang, Z.; Feng, J*. Endogenous Fe2+-triggered self-targeting nanomicelles for self-amplifying intracellular oxidative stress. Anim Models Exp Med., 2024, 8 (2): 307-321.JCR 2 区;影响因子:3.8

23. Li, W.; Zhang, H.; Xu, J.; Maimaitijiang, A.; Su, Z.; Fan, Z.; Li, J. The biological roles of ZKSCAN3 (ZNF306) in the hallmarks of cancer: from mechanisms to therapeutics. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 2024, 25: 11532.JCR 1 区;影响因子:5.6

24. Fan, Z.; Jiang, B.; Shi, D.; Yang, L.; Yin, W.; Zheng, K.; Zhang, X.; Xin, C.; Su, G.*; Hou, Z.*, Selective antitumor activity of drug-free TPGS nanomicelles with ROS-induced mitochondrial cell death. Int. J. Pharm., 2021, 594: 120184.JCR 1. 影响因子:6.510

25. Maimaitijiang, A.; He, D.; Li, D.; Li, W.; Su, Z.; Fan, Z.; Li, J. Progress in research of nanotherapeutics for overcoming multidrug resistance in cancer. Int. J. Mol. Sci., 2024, 25: 9973.JCR 1区;影响因子:5.6

26. Zhang, X. ; Zhu, X.; He, Y. ; Zhang, Y.*; Huang, S.; Yi, X.; Li, Y.*; Hou, Z.*; Fan, Z.* Biomimetic dual-responsive bioengineered nanotheranostics for intracellular cascade-synthesizing chemo-drugs and efficient oncotherapy. J. Mater. Chem. B., 2023, 11 (1): 119-130.JCR 1.影响因子:7.571

27. Fu, X.; Yin, W.; Shi, D.; Yang, Y.; He, S.; Hai, J.; Hou, Z.; Fan, Z.*; Zhang, D.*, Shuttle-shape carrier-free platinum-coordinated nanoreactors with O2 self-supply and ROS augment for enhanced phototherapy of hypoxic tumor. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces., 2021, 13 (28), 32690-32702.JCR 1. 影响因子:10.383

28. Shi, D.; Zhuang, J.; Fan, Z.*; Zhao, H.; Zhang, X.; Su, G.; Xie, L.*; Ge, D.*; Hou, Z.*, Self-targeting nanotherapy based on functionalized graphene oxide for synergistic thermochemotherapy. J. Colloid Interface Sci., 2021, 603: 70-84.Inside cover, JCR 1. 影响因子:9.965

29. Guo, F.; Shang, J.; Zhao, H.; Lai, K.; Li, Y.; Fan, Z.*; Hou, Z.*; Su, G.*, Cube-shaped theranostic paclitaxel prodrug nanocrystals with surface functionalization of SPC and MPEG-DSPE for imaging and chemotherapy. Colloids Surf. B., 2017, 160: 649-660.JCR 2. 影响因子:5.999

30. Yin, W.; Fu, X.; Chang, W.; Han, L.; Meng, J.; Cao, A.; Meng, J.; Ren, X.; Fan, Z.*; Zhou, S.*, Anti-ovarian cancer mechanism of esculetin: inducing G0/G1 arrest and apoptosis via JAK2/STAT3 signaling pathway, J. Pharm. Pharmacol., 2022, http://dx.doi.org/10.1093/jpp/rgac083.JCR 2. 影响因子:4.810

31. He, Y.; Fan, Z.;  Sun, P.;  Jiang, H.;  Chen, Z.;  Tang, G.;  Hou, Z.;  Sun, Y.;  Yi, Y.;  Shi, W.; Ge, D., Mechanism of self-oxidative copolymerization and its application with polydopamine-pyrrole nano-copolymers. Small Methods, 2024, 1 (14): 2301405.(共同第一作者;JCR 1区;IF12.4

32. Zhu, Q.; Fan, Z.; Zuo, W.; Chen, Y.; Hou, Z.; Zhu, X., Self-distinguishing and stimulus-responsive carrier-free theranostic nanoagents for imaging-guided chemo-photothermal therapy in small-cell lung cancer. ACS Appl. Mater. Interfaces., 2020, 12 (46): 51314-51328.JCR 1. 影响因子:10.383

33. Xiang, S.; Fan, Z.; Ye, Z.; Zhu, T.; Shi, D.; Ye, S.; Hou, Z. Endogenous Fe 2+ -activated ROS nanoamplifier for esterase-responsive and photoacoustic imaging-monitored therapeutic improvement. Nano Res., 2021, 15 (2): 907.JCR 1. 影响因子:10.269

34. Luo, F.; Fan, Z.; Yin, W.; Yang, L.; Li, T.; Zhong, L.; Li, Y.; Wang, S.; Yan, J.; Hou, Z.;* Zhang, Q.* pH-responsive stearic acid-O-carboxymethyl chitosan assemblies as carriers delivering small molecular drug for chemotherapy. Mater. Sci. Eng. C., 2019, 105: 110107.JCR 1. 影响因子:7.328

35. Sun, H.; Fan, Z.; Xiang, S.; Zuo, W.; Yang, Y.; Huang, D.; Su, G.; Fu, X.; Zhao, Q.; Hou, Z.  Novel, self-distinguished, dual stimulus-responsive therapeutic nanoplatform for intracellular on-demand drug release. Mol. Pharm., 2020, 17(7): 2435-2450JCR 2. 影响因子:5.364

36. Xie, J.; Fan, Z.; Yang, L.; Zhang, Y.; Fei, Y.; Su, G.; Xie, L.; Hou, Z., Design of pH-sensitive methotrexate prodrug-targeted curcumin nanoparticles for efficient dual-drug delivery and combination cancer therapy. Int. J. Nanomedicine., 2018, 13: 1381-1398.JCR 2. 影响因子:7.033

37. Guo, F.; Fan, Z.; Yang, J.; Li, Y.; Wang, Y.; Zhao, H.; Xie, L.; Hou, Z., A comparative evaluation of hydroxycamptothecin drug nanorods with and without methotrexate prodrug functionalization for drug delivery. Nanoscale Res. Lett., 2016, 11 (1): 384. JCR 2. 影响因子:5.418

38. Yang, Y.; Fan, Z.; Zheng, K.; Shi, D.; Su, G.; Ge, D.; Zhao, Q.; Fu, X.; Hou, Z., A novel self-targeting theranostic nanoplatform for photoacoustic imaging-monitored and enhanced chemo-sonodynamic therapy. J. Mater. Chem. B., 2021, 9 (27): 5547-5559 JCR 2. 影响因子:7.571


1. 一种甲氨蝶呤金属配位聚合物及其制备方法和应用,专利号:201910970581.4

2. 一种多西紫杉醇复合缓释剂及其制备方法,专利号:ZL201711461126.9

3. 一种可分离式微针系统及模具,专利号:202420024074.8

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